Wednesday, April 19, 2006

ABC Sucks

I have a bone to pick with ABC. As mentioned in an earlier blog, I talked about how TV has been very slackerish in the recent months about showing new episodes of certain TV shows. Well, I have to point out that the biggest violator of this has been ABC. Fox is the second biggest violater of this, but I'll get to that at a later date. My prime examples are of two shows that Chris and I watch (or at least used to watch on a regular basis). The two in particular are Lost and Invasion. Lost, on average, has been absent every other week (if not more). Invasion hasn't been new since about last November. So, there was a new episode on tonight of Invasion, but it's a fucking joke. For not being on for that long, I don't even remember what happened the last time I watched. Hence, I'm seriously about ready to give up on them. It's a shame, because I think they could have a long, viable life on TV. But, not on ABC's schedule.

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