Monday, December 05, 2005

Today Was Interesting

I'm in "ABM College" for work this week. It stands for Assistant Brand Manager and it's a training that P&G makes all new-hires in marketing go to. Today was our first day of this week-long program. Part of the day included an assignment of going to a consumer's house and having a one-on-one focus group with them. I won't get into the details, or else I'd have to kill you, (or be fired), but the experience was quite crazy. This particular woman lived in Lockland - a not-so-nice area of town. Frankly, it looked like the projects. It turned out that this was a very nice 53 year old woman who we had to interview. First of all, I am not one to be very comfortable going into a strange person's house. Secondly, the fact that it was in the semi-hood didn't help either. Regardless, I went there with an open mind. Well, I went there with another ABM college attendee and we did our job. The fucked up part about the whole experience was that her 31 year old live-in son hung out in the next room the whole time and was basically evesdropping the whole time. I'm talking OBVIOUSLY evesdropping. The kicker was when two of his wt buddies showed up at the door with some greasy take out lunch. Her words were, "you two get in the kitchen there and hush." I can't say that it was ideal in that she proabably didn't truly answer our questions with the wt in the next room. Anyway, it was definitely an awkward experience to say the least. Looking back on it though, it was kind of fun/funny. At least I can say I've been to Lockland once and I know for a fact I'll NEVER feel the need to visit there again. Sorry Kevin.

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