Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm, Like, Almost Celebrity

Chris and I met my college friend Noah out tonight downtown for some drinks since he is in town for work. Chris Adrien and My Brian happened to be at Union Station getting dinner (great minds think alike), so we hung out with them until Noah was done with his work stuff. So, we picked him up and ended up going to McFadden's, an Irish bar/restaurant. When we got there, we all heard a raucous in the back room of the place. Not ever having been there before, I was searching for the bathroom. I didn't see one up front, so I wandered into the back where all the commotion was coming from. At first, it looked like a birthday party - there were balloons hanging at the door entrance and there was a long table inhabited by tons of people. At the same time, there was a projection TV showing some sort of show they were all going nuts-o over. So, after finding the bathroom and taking a leak, I went back up front to Chris and Noah. Meanwhile, Chris, the observant one of the group, notices that The Amazing Race (family edition) is showing and commented that one of the families participating was from Cincinnati. He deduced that this might be a group of friends and family members or some sick cultish group of followers watching the episode there. Well, it turns out that Chris was right. After a while, we hear some dude annoucing over the p.a. that he wanted to thank his friends & family, and that they'd be in New York next week since they made it to the final three. And, "please, watch in support", but didn't give any other details. Damn those network-contract-nazi-whores making participants sign confidentiality agreements. Anyway, we had a very, very, very slight brush with psuedo-stardom tonight and I thought it was better to fill you in on that instead of my stool consistency. You never know what lurks around the corner...I just might meet Marsha Brady in person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A interesting tidbit to your story....I understand two of the brothers in that family have gone out and build brand new houses....and they weren't cheap...HINT HINT