Saturday, December 10, 2005

My Wardrobe Sucks

I have nothing to wear. Everything is old and/or out of date. I need shopping help, please. I've been sitting here, trying to figure out what I'm going to wear tonight to Suzanne's Christmas party and I have nothing. I would go naked, but it's too damn cold out. Oh, I know, I'll go naked, wearing a smile.


Anonymous said...

Its so cold out, everyone will say "look at Matt's cute bellybutton under his bellybutton"
"He has an inny and an outty"


Matt said...

Then I must have no legs, because it touches the water when I go to the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling...I bought a new jacket and shoes for our parties tonight...I couldn't hide the fact that I bought a new jacket from the Mrs., but I tossed out the shoe box and pretended that the shoes were old. It worked for a while until ketchup busted me! JA