Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Networks Lie

Last week, we watched Lost and they showed the "scenes" for next week. Well, after having several botched attempts to correctly record shows on TIVO in the past, Chris and I figured out that you have to put something on a season pass to undoubtedly record a show every week. When we got home tonight, fucking Lost wasn't recorded. Turns out, stupid jerkoffs didn't show a new episode of Lost tonight. It was a re-run. After reviewing our recording preferences on TIVO, we figured out that the default setting (on ours, at least) was to record only new shows. This cleared up some of the confusion as far as why some shows would record and others wouldn't. I was about to bitch up a storm to DirecTv/TIVO about the miss and hit we've experienced. Regardless, buttfuck ABC should at least advertise that it will be two weeks (or however much time) until the next new episode airs. I even ended up calling Momma to verify whether it was a new episode tonight or not. Note to ABC: Get in touch with your viewers. It just might give you some credibility.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Seth never gets it wrong for us. Perhaps you should switch your provider! Ha!!!

Matt said...

I never said that Alan Freed gets things wrong. You're just bitter that XM is on DirecTv and Mr. Seth isn't on Cirrus. Ha-Ha.

Jason said...

Give a brother some credit!! :)