Wednesday, March 29, 2006


So, Chris and I had a discussion earlier tonight about each others' car usage. We both drive our OWN cars. Period. At least that's been the track record. Unless on a roadtrip. Here's the greater many of you all folk drive each others' cars? I'm all about sharing and not necessarily "claiming" a certain car. Chris defaults to his own car, as do I. But, part of the reason I did (or have) is because his car was new. Automatically, I assumed that he would want to drive it until the honeymoon was over. However, it will have been a year this coming week and he still religiously drives his car without even thinking of using mine. Chris, honey, I know that we've already discussed this, but I want to hear others' feedback. :-) Do you share cars in general or once in a while trade cars or is the first one free up for grabs? I love having the option to decide what car I want to take in the morning, but it's not currently the case. Long, long, story short, I want to know what all you party-people in cyberspace do when it comes to a dual-household along with dual cars. Nothing witty is coming to mind, so please just put in your comments. Or else I'll be forced to make my own conclusions. Please, don't force me to anything rash like that.


Anonymous said...

I almost always drive my car, and Megan drives hers. I like my car because it is automatic and rides better, she likes her's because it is stick. Once in a while, I like to drive something more sporty and fun, so I might take her car and ask her to trade, and she is pretty amicable. I hope I am not getting into the middle of a domestic dispute. Is Matt beating you up again, Chris? :)

Anonymous said...

Well my "roomate" drives a huge truck...and since they say men try to make up for thier ( shortcomings ) but driving big or expensive cars I just continue to drive my $995.00 Chevy Chevette..LOL. Kidding aside, I drive mine he drives his but if I or a friend needs to haul something he is usually pretty good about switching cars with me. ( Well there was that time a few years ago when insurance regulations prohibited me from driving ) I'm not crazy about driving it, it's hard to park and it can be slow at times but it can also be intimidating at times to those A$$h###s who drive slow in the fast lane.