Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A List from I Love 1982

1. CATS the play
2. TRON the movie
3. VCRs - VHS or Beta??
4. Roseanna by Toto
5. BMX bikes to do tricks
6. Tootsie the movie
7. Bow Wow Wow - I Want Candy
8. Valley Girls at the mall
9. Benneton, Guess, Spensers, Tiffany performing at the mall
10. Headbands, mesh tops
11. $25,00 Pyramid
12. The Epcot Center opened
13. "Gag me with a spoon"
14. Victor/Victoria
15. Cyanide in Tylenol capsules
16. Rambo: First Blood
17. Tommy Tutone - 867-5309

Oh yeah, I was 8/9 years old then. I'm old, but I still look young. Sorry 'bout your luck.

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