Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Interview Today

I just got back from my third interview at P&G. It went pretty well, I guess. I interviewed with three people at the same time and they asked me all sorts of questions about leadership and times that I've displayed leadership. After the questions, I met two assistant brand managers and went to lunch with them. I got to ask them some of the nitty gritty questions about daily life and their impressions of the overall company. Everyone seemed really nice (although I'm sure they are to any interviewee). Well, as I was in my car paying at the parking garage, my phone started to ring. But, I couldn't get it out of my pocket in time. Whoever it was left me a message. It turned out to be this guy Jeff that was one of the interviewers. By getting a phone call so quickly, I assumed it was one of those, "we really appreciate you interviewing, but unfortunately there wasn't a fit for this position." Instead it went, "we really appreciate you interviewing and would like to extend you an offer." NO FUCKING WAY! I can't believe it, I did it! I'll be working for the ultimate man! Now if I can get this company to leave Cincinnati like my past three employers, that will be a noteworthy feat. Thanks to everyone who was rooting for me.

1 comment:

Jason said...

YAY!!!!! Goot for you! Better email the mexican and let her know ;) aka momma! Now if I find a good job and get her a job with an unbankrupt company, we'll all be one big happy familia!