Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The End of my Vaction is Here

Sadness. I just got an email regarding my "orientation day" for the start of work. It will be on Monday, October 31. That would be this coming Monday. Of all days, it would have be Halloween. Oh well, boo hoo squish squish, right? That's OK, it will be the start of double income for me. I guess I better start weening off the boozing that I've been doing on my alcoholiday. Plus, I'll have to start going to bed at a reasonable hour. But, it will all be worth it when I'm bringing home tons of cash. Word, boyeeeeeeeee.


Anonymous said...

You should wear a costume to work for your first day. Tell them you heard that everyone does that there. :)

Matt said...

No doubt, I should dress up in drag and tell them I was encouraged to do so.