Saturday, November 26, 2005

I'm Exhausted

Last night, we once again had a Texas Hold 'Em family tournament. Chris won the pot, which is fine, as long as John Wooley and Big John Anderson didn't win twice. Of course, alcohol was involved last night and I stayed up pretty late. This morning, EARLY this morning, the girls (Chris's neices) got up and so did their puppy Bear. So, at around 8:00 this morning, there was screaming, barking, and stomping. Ugh. I ended up rolling out of bed at 10:00, but I pretty much laid in bed for an hour before doing so. Then we had to drive to Columbus for a brunch at Chris's cousin's house. We had mimosas and wine while there, ate, and headed back home. Needless to say, it has been a long day so far. Now I'm ready for some sex and then a nap. If anyone's going out tonight, we're up for it. I think I need some gay interaction tonight, as I've been in gay detox for the past few days. Just give me a call, gurls, and I'll meet you at the cha-cha.

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