Sunday, January 29, 2006

I'm Not (That Much of) a Geek

But....I've been watching this show on The Science Channel called "How It's Made". It's really pretty interesting. They show, well, how things are made. For example, combination locks, doors, recreation vehicles and newspapers. I know it sounds boring as shit, but it's kind of cool seeing all that is involved in making what would seem like very simple things. So, shut up, I say. I'm not a don't know me.


Jason said...

I TiVo that occasionally, but it's just a non-stop flow with no fun interviews or anything... I get kinda overwhelmed. That could be my ADD kicking in though. But you aren't too much of a geek! At least you can bowl, unlike me :(

Anonymous said...

AT least Lucy grows up. We can all learn something each and every day. See what happens when you don't go out each night and get drunk. You become an ADULT. Good going Lucy.

Anonymous said...

I KNOW you!

Anonymous said...

Matt, it is a far cry far lighting farts on the front porch in Dayton. Some people would say we are proud of you and your eagerness to learn something.

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