Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What is Wrong With Drivers?

I know that I get road rage. Others know I get road rage. The simple fact of the matter is that people in fucking Ohio (and Kentucky) do NOT know how to drive. I think it should be mandatory that everyone in the forementioned states have to take a goddamn road test every 5 years. Let me remind any of you stupid retards what I'm referring to: THE HIGH SPEED LANE IS FOR PASSING, NOT PERMANENTLY PUTZING IN. There are even signs up all over the place that say "Slower Traffic Keep Right." No wonder why we get traffic jams, especially on I-75, it's because these assholes feel the need to go 60 in the high speed lane and not get over. You can even be riding their ass and they won't move. Another amazing thing: you can watch someone entering the highway and then IMMEDIATELY bust over to the high speed lane. It's like there's a magnet pulling them over as far left as possible. No, let's not test the waters in the slow lane or any of the middle lanes, let's go for the gusto and just go left. And, hmm, I don't really feel like speeding up, so I'll just sit here and go 60 with my finger up my ass. Oh yeah, the same drivers I'm talking about apparently don't know what a rear-view mirror is either. So, as I mentioned earlier, I DO have road rage at times and it's because of these uneducated, inconsiderate mongloids behind the wheel. Watch out blood-farts, I'll be cutting you off in the near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the high speed lane...but I've never noticed you in my rear view