Monday, September 12, 2005

I Think I Might Be Addicted

To Celebrity Poker Showdown, that is. The current competitors are Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser), Donny Deutsch (not sure what he's been in/on), and Shannon Elizabeth (the whore from the Scary Movie movies). So far the whore is in first place, but Donny is catching up. Two people that have been eliminated are Kathy Griffin (LOVE HER) and Chevy Chase. I have never sat down to watch this show, but it's pretty good and they joke a lot too. The best part is to see which celebs are smart/stupid. UPDATE: Donny is out. Ha-ha!

1 comment:

Jason said...

I'm stuck watching HBO for any entertainment whatsoever! The loop consists of Taxi, and Shark Tale. Yipee