Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I was at the UDF near my house tonight and I'm still fascinated at the number of people that buy Cigarellos. They are flavored "blunts" and seem to have quite the loyal following where we live (as well as where I used to live). I think we all know what the term "blunt" means, but are those people really lacing them with pot or is there some attraction to them because they're cheap? I am in the dark here, so if anyone can fill me in, please do so. All of the clientelle that buy them are either black or obviously lower-class whites. Hell, maybe I should try one - I might be a convert. I did grow up on the west side, after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cigarillos ROCK! They are cheap, sweet flavored and cause you to speak ebonics. example: I likes my cigarillos beeaitch! My babys mama gots me some. Peace out & faschille my nizzle!
