Sunday, July 31, 2005

What's on my mind?

OK, I have a very good friend who's in jail. I by no means co-habitate, commiserate, or cooperate with criminals. However, this person I'm referring to is indeed a really good friend. I won't to into the details, but Chris and I are going to visit him tomorrow. Selfishly, I wish I wouldn't have to get up so early to make the drive, feeling all hung over. But, there are very few people who "get on the list" to visit him. So, as soon as this blog is done, my ass is in bed. Regardless, we went to visit him once before and it was SO NICE to see him in person, as it's been over a year. He has less than a year left, but it's worth the 1.5 hour drive to see him, even though he's out at the end of next May. <-- Nice run-on sentence. After that, I'm hoping we have a little bit of time to head to the pool to get some sun for Provincetown. Two weeks and counting! Back to our friend...he is even more excited to visit with us, which makes me feel really good. Prior to him going to jail, I never realized how much he thought of us. Sometimes, it takes extreme circumstances to bring out peoples' true feelings. Regardless, I think tomorrow will be a good time.

Last comment for the night: I just put the top up on the Cabrio, and the motherfucker pinched my middle finger. I now have a painful blood blister. Bitch car.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That bitch bastard of a car! I hate it! It should be slapped for hurting you. However, I've come to realize that maybe if you weren't on beer #10, you might not've gotten hurt. haha

Blood blisters are a bitch though.