Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Slim Shady

Chris and I were out on our front porch - actually, I was out ripping up weeds and dead flowers in the front yard - when we got an unpleasant visitor.

Let me take a step back. Last week sometime, some sketchy-lookin dude comes walking up and starts with a grief-laden story about how he's trying to get his wife home, they have a flat tire, he only needs $8.00.... you all know the story. Of course, Hannah goes running out like it's her best friend, so I'm stuck there talking to the original Slim Shady. We ended up giving him about $8 (his original request) just to get him off the property. So he leaves.

Step ahead to tonight, and the asshole comes walking up waving to us like we're all best buds from college. I ignored him, as I was working in the weed patch/garden, but Chris actually got to make eye contact. He offered us a refrigerator that he found as payment for the $8 he borrowed, worth $500. Then he asked if he could borrow $.80 to catch the bus. In unison, we both said, "NO", and he left immediately. Oh, I forgot to mention that he told us that he lived in Cheviot - a good 15-20 minutes away from where we live - the first time he came around. I forgot, everyone in Northside is stupid and on drugs, so we'll do anything anyone asks.

Thank God, our neighbors will be home, watching our place while we're out of town. That's all we need is some jerk-off casing the joint. I'll keep you posted.

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