Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I'm going to rip my hair out

Work for me has been nothing but pure torture the past few weeks. I work for Sara Lee Foods in Cincinnati, Ohio. Corporate headquarters announced a couple of months back that they will be moving the Sara Lee Foods headquarters (here in Cincy) to a suburb called Downers Grove, IL, just outside of Chicago. Effectively, they've pretty much decided to fuck us all over by not even offering the standard of living difference. So, most of us aren't making the move. In the meantime, my official end date is September 9th. If I leave before then, I lose the 4 months severance that I'll receive for "sticking it out." Since that announcement, and especially lately, work has been a total drag. I have nothing to do. I check email and surf the net. That can only go so far each day. I take frequent smoke breaks and call friends to pass the time. I've even been ballsy enough lately to get into work at 8:30 and leave at 4:00. This next month and a half are going to be pure torture. I think I'm going to start getting drunk every night since I don't have to be productive. Then, when I start falling asleep at my desk, I can either find an empty conference room to take a nap or go out to my car and pass out. Hey - this post just wasted 15 minutes of time. Hmmm, maybe I'll be writing a lot more crap on here instead. No, I think I'll drink instead.

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