Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yes, I'm Back

The headline refers to me with a new computer. Yes, I went out today and got some new electronic duds. And I love it (so far). I don't want to jinx myself, of course. I'll tell you all about the fiasco that I went through during my shopping adventure in a later post. No, I, all of a sudden, had quite a bit of a flashback while listening to some older music on my (very new) laptop. It brings me back to 1999 or 1998...something like that. I was reminiscing in my head about the times me and Momma would drink and hang out at his pool. It was literally every Saturday for weeks on end. We would then take disco naps so that we could then meet up later at the Dock for some dancing, drinking, and man-hunting. Ahhh, and I had my Jeep at the time. Such fond memories. I especially remember one weekend when Momma (and his best friend Rusty) went up to BP to get more beer. I had no idea if either of them could drive stick, but when I offered the keys to my Jeep, they where bitch-slapping each other over who got to drive it. It's hard to believe that it's now 9 years later and those memories seem like yesterday. It's also crazy to think that I still look the same, but Momma looks 9 years older. Oh, yes I did.

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