Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Poor Little Bunny

Hannah had to have some surgery done today at the vet. At her annual checkup, the vet noticed that she had a tooth that was severly infected. Turns out, she cracked a "slab" off one of her main molars and it was in the process of going rotten. Since she was going to have to be sedated to have her tooth removed, we decided to have a lump on the top of her back paw hacked off. So, when I picked my little girl up, she had a (slightly) bloody mouth and a wrapped foot. I don't think she was ever so happy to see me in her life. Now.....she sleeps. And sleeps. I'm just glad she doesn't have to wear one of those upside down lamp shades on her head. As Steve said, it wouldn't look "pretty".

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