Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I know, I know, I've fallen off the face...

I've been so fucking busy with work lately that I haven't had a chance to sit down and spew my thoughts out onto the web. Work has been kicking my ass. It's business review time (fiscal year end when I have to report the state/health of the business). It blows. This past week, there were two nights I was up until 1 a.m. and one night I was up until 2 a.m. doing work. Well, tonight's a night off for me. I promise I'll be putting more posts up that are more interesting than me explaining why I've been lame lately. So, what's new...um...nothing. Wait, I take that back. Chris took the lead and called about three things: we now have an official appointment scheduled to have someone give us a consultation/quote to redo our kitchen (YEA!), he called to have our chimney inspected to see what it would take to make our fireplace(s) working (YEA!) and also called to get a quote to put a patio in the back yard (woo-hoo). Needless to say, we're setting ourselves up for poor-dom. That's OK, because our house will rock and we'll have a lot of parties. More to come about the results later. Until then, wait patiently for my next post when I'm sure I'll dazzle you all with some brilliant writings. Smell ya...

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