Thursday, January 04, 2007

Reality Blows

I hate going back to work after a nice, long, alcoholic holiday. It's like a kick in the nuts....a lot of moaning, belly-aching and ball-busting. Plus, I'm fat. I endulged like it was my last day on earth for two weeks. I've decided that if I ever did become a Mr. Dad-Stay-at-Home, I'd blimp up like Anna Nicole did. Oh well, I digress. At least it's only a 4 day work week this week. AND, I get MLK day off. So, at least I'm sort of easing back into it. However, next week will be a full week of work. Maybe I'm getting sick. *cough cough* Nevermind, that sounds too much like I'm getting checked for a hernia. That's no good. I know - I think I'll develop something that requires perigoric. YES! (And shamlessly, I've brought that term into yet another one of my posts). Bygones.

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