Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Interesting Mini Series

Chris discovered a mini series on (brace yourselves) the Sci-Fi Channel. It's called The Lost Room. It's actually pretty good. Star characters include Nate (from Six Feet Under), Juliana Margulies, the one old evil neighbor lady from Desperate Housewives and a few other randoms that have been in other shows before. It's a pretty interesting storyline though - a lot of supernatural shit. Maybe the reason why I'm sort of into it is because I had 2 glasses of wine and 2 beers. Oh well, what else is there to do on a Tuesday night? Oh, Nate and Carol Hathaway just slept together. Mmmm, Nate. Anyway, it's worth checking out. At least I think so at the moment; ask me again tomorrow.

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