Saturday, September 02, 2006

Don't Ever Travel by Train

That's the lesson I've learned tonight. I watched some show on A&E or TLC or BET that told me I need to be very careful when traveling on, near or around trains. Bad things happen to people who ride or drive past trains. Ie: Derailments, explosions, and crashed cars. I'm so very happy that I don't live in an area where I have to deal with any of thee above. (Yes, I know that is a misspelling, but I wanted to get my phonetic point across). Point in case was the situation that occured last year near Mt. Lookout (a Cincinnati suburb) with the styrene leak. Granted, there were no explosions, derailments or car crashes. But, it did pollute the environment and created a class action suit. Anyway, I have been taught tonight by the TV that trains are bad. So, never take a train. Never get near a train. Never cross railroad tracks <-- That being the most important learning. Only trust airplanes. They're the safest travel ever. At least that's what the TV tells me.

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