Thursday, August 10, 2006

So Long, Farewell, Aufweiderschen, Goodbye...

Well, Party People, tonight is the last night for me to write until we get back. I would post another list for you to partake in, but since there weren't any comments from the last post, I take it none of you participated in any of those suggestions. So, screw you. Um, I mean, refer to those. I know you'll die without hearing from me for so long, but "hold on to the memories...." I'll be back with LOTS of stories to share, I'm sure. If you're lucky, I'll post a picture or two. Alright, bitches, SSSSSMELL YA LATER..........


Anonymous said...

WOULD YOU JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF TOWN ALREADY...UGH!!! :) You boys have fun..........

Matt said...

Next year, you have to go b/c you're so damn PRREEETTTYY