Yesterday, I did a bunch of yardwork that took up a good portion of the afternoon. Oh yeah, I also washed my car and the Cabrio. This morning, I did a total manscape. I cut my hair, trimmed the chest, and cut the nose hairs. I know you needed to know that information. Also today, I ran errands, sealed driveway cracks and put a tar seal over the driveway. Now I'm whooped. Meanwhile, Chris cleaned and painted the floor of the sleeping porch. Hannah, of course, had to go and fuck up our work. She stepped in the tar just after I put it down. Then, as I went up to shower and check out Chris's painting job, Hannah goes bolting onto the fresh paint. Chris yelled an expletive and I screamed at her. That meant that I had to carry the bitch down two flights of stairs to the basement so that she wouldn't trail paint throughout the house. Besides the minor setbacks, both the sleeping porch and the driveway are looking pretty good. I've attached pics for you all to see. Compliments are welcome. Criticisms aren't. Then again, we are perfect, so that's just impossible.
Growing up in the Suburbs..We have a FRONT porch...We have a BACK porch and every now and then we have a SIDE porch...But what the H*LL is a SLEEPING PORCH!!! LOL
It's something the rich have.
OHHHHH...I never knew you bought your house from RICH people!!! NEHYYYY
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