Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Finally a Break
The heat here has totally sucked. It's been 90 everyday for the past 3-4 days with about 90% humidity. I am NOT ready for the middle of summer yet. Thank God it's supposed to be back in the 80s and even high 70s in the next few days. It's fucking ridiculous that we had to turn our air on in May. Well, it's off again. I'm looking forward to being able to open all the windows again for some fresh air. Our house was beginning to smell like a big fart. Oh, I meant like a field of roses. I know this post is boring as shit, but that's about how exciting my life is. What's so great about yours, anyway?
Monday, May 29, 2006
Is the Alcoholiday Over Already?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Can't Wait
A very good friend of ours is returning to the 'nati manana. Some of you know his story and others don't. But, all I can say is that I'm very excited to see him. This is going to be one of the better alcoholidays is a long while. That's why we felt the need to practice tonight for the upcoming festivities. Work will suck tomorrow, but, fuck it. Customers can wait, right? Oh yeah, I forgot. My motto in life is this: "Customers SUCK." By the way, party people, this weekend is Taste of there or be a big loser.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The Report on Columbus
Well, I did my work time in Columbus, but didn't do as much buying as I thought I would. First of all, Easton is cool as hell. There are tons of different stores - good ones at that - all within a village-like setting. In addition to shopping, there are restaurants, game places and all sorts of things to pass the time with. Alas, the only thing I ended up buying was a case for my iPod. In a way, it was kind of dumb, because I scratched the hell out of the display of it when we were in Mexico. Bygones. If you ever find yourself in Columbus with nothing to do, I highly recommend going to Easton. It's just SO much better than Weston.
Monday, May 22, 2006
So, for work I have to go Columbus tomorrow. I won't return to the 'nati until Tuesday night. The only consolation is that I am being forced to stay at Easton. I don't feel like looking up the link, so do it yourself, pussies. Regardless, we will have all sorts of new and expensive crap. I mean.....beautiful whatnots.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
This goes out to Zeke
Noah just sent you a picture of me at my blog workstation. And now you're being mentioned in a post all about you. Do you feel special?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Good-bye W,G,J&K
I'm sure I was the only person who watched the final episode of Will & Grace tonight. Other than every gay person alive. It was, um, interesting. It's always awkward the way shows try wrapping up several seasons in one last episode. This one didn't stray from that phenomenon. However, there were some fucking hilarious one-liners. But, my favorite part of the episode by far, was seeing Beverly Leslie picked up by the wind on his balcony and flying away. Too much. I know I don't do it justice, but trust me. Anyway, the show had a good run. I still think the show should have been named "Jack & Karen". Bygones... Now I want to know what I'm supposed to do on Thursday nights at 8:00/9:00. Maybe I'll start blogging.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
New least for us
Chris and I went someplace new for dinner tonight. We went to Melt in Northside. It's a funky little place with some really yummy food. Nothing very extravagant, but delicious sandwiches with an eclectic crowd. Plus, it's in our neighborhood, so we are obliged to support the Northside businesses. Plus, all the signs in the shops there tell us to do so. Anyway, it was nice to keep our business local, while enjoying someplace new. I'll definitely be going back. Plus, they give a REALLY good handjob in the back room. Or was that Chris?
Monday, May 15, 2006
Too Tired To Blog
Because work is hard and it wears me out. Especially after drinking my face off this past weekend. Look for more fun and exciting readings in the very near future!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Pechota's Wedding

Saturday, May 13, 2006
Shirley Q Liquor
Go fucking figure. I'll be out of town the ONE night that Shirley Q. Liquor comes to Cincy. And of ALL places, she/he is going to be at the Dock. What is this world coming to? Bygones. I'm just pissed that I'm going to be out of town when she's here. It's typical of my luck. That's why I don't gamble. So, all you party people in Cincinnati, I highly suggest checking her out tomorrow night. Pure hilarioty. If anyone goes, I expect a play-by-play re-enactment. And you all tell yo mama I axed how she durrin.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
This Saturday
We'll be killing 4 birds with 1 stone. In one day, we'll be celebrating my nephew's baptism, my dad's birthday, Mother's Day, and a wedding. Not too shabby, huh? Needless to say, I had to buy a lot of cards the other day. Shit, that reminds me, I still have to get a wedding present. Gotta go...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Annoyances of Summer are Already Here
I worked out in the yard for a bit yesterday after work. This morning, I was itchy on my arm and my legs. Son of a bitch if they weren't chigger bites. Yes, the joys of summer, including mosquitos, chiggers, bees, etc. are on their way. I think I'm going to have a large glass bubble installed over our house to remedy this problem. It could be known as the Cincy-dome or Bio-dome or possibly the Homo-dome. Regardless, I love summer, but not all the punishments that go with it. Too bad those little bastards don't die after biting like bees do after stinging. Note to self: Have God change that when I make it to heaven. HA. Like that will happen.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Time To Plan A Party
Chris went to Costco today and bought 6 new iron chairs. Wheeee! I'm amazed at how cheap they were too - $20 a piece (and they're heavy/nice). On Saturday, I stopped at the Furniture Fair Outlet and the cheapest outdoor furniture that was metal was $80 each. I love Costco. Can I stress that enough? I think I'm going to sell this house and move into Costco. Then I wouldn't have to go anywhere.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Yesterday - Landscape. Today - Manscape.

Yesterday, I did a bunch of yardwork that took up a good portion of the afternoon. Oh yeah, I also washed my car and the Cabrio. This morning, I did a total manscape. I cut my hair, trimmed the chest, and cut the nose hairs. I know you needed to know that information. Also today, I ran errands, sealed driveway cracks and put a tar seal over the driveway. Now I'm whooped. Meanwhile, Chris cleaned and painted the floor of the sleeping porch. Hannah, of course, had to go and fuck up our work. She stepped in the tar just after I put it down. Then, as I went up to shower and check out Chris's painting job, Hannah goes bolting onto the fresh paint. Chris yelled an expletive and I screamed at her. That meant that I had to carry the bitch down two flights of stairs to the basement so that she wouldn't trail paint throughout the house. Besides the minor setbacks, both the sleeping porch and the driveway are looking pretty good. I've attached pics for you all to see. Compliments are welcome. Criticisms aren't. Then again, we are perfect, so that's just impossible.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I'm Sure I'm a Hypocondriac
I think I have appendicitis. I have had a pain in my right side for the past 3-4 days or so. I've been looking up symptoms online and it sounds like I could be in trouble. Not only that, my little sister had it and hers actually burst. The doctors said that if she didn't come in until a couple hours later, she could have died. So, I'm thinking I should probably have my shit checked out. Keep your fingers crossed. Otherwise, this may be the last Matt's Ramblings post. And I know you couldn't go on if I can't.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Stupid Firefox
For the past 3 days, I have been trying to post to Blogger, but my Firefox has been fucking it all up. It kept stalling and wouldn't do anything. I don't know what the deal is, but I just figured out that I could post using IE. Oh well. I guess there isn't much very reliable in this world. Except me.........BIOOOOOTCHES.
Monday, May 01, 2006
I Can't Believe It's May
Time freakin' flies. It was just winter and now it's in the 70 degree range almost every day. I'm not complaining about that, but I'm just amazed at how quickly time flies. With summer coming, that means more and more weekend plans. I don't know that I'm ready for that yet. I just want to be a WOL on the weekends and relax around the house. (That could mean things like yard work but it could also mean nurse a hangover). Also, Party in the Park has started up already, which means my Wednesdays after work will be filled now. Those are an obligation, after all. What ever happened to the times when it seemed like summer would never get here or the next holiday seemed so far off? Oh yeah, that's called innocence. I am definitely screwed in that department.
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