Monday, February 20, 2006

Is it Friday Yet?

I was off work today and am dreading having to go back tomorrow. I refer to this as having the MNDs, or Monday Night Depression. Short weeks always seem longer to me, maybe because I have to get the same amount of work done in a shorter period of time. Oh well, at least I have something to look forward to on Wednesday - Chris's birthday! If you haven't already, email Chris and wish him a happy 30th birthday. It would make his day (since he's older than that). On Wednesday, I'll reveal what I got Chris for his birthday. I hope he likes it, but I'm not really worried that he won't. OK, time for bed. Loos, out.


Anonymous said...

Oh goody Stephanie! You are revealing Chris' birthday gift on Wednesday. The readers of this blog must be anxiously anticipating the momont when you tell us all!

Anonymous said...

Tell us now, do not wait! I can't handle the anticipation. I must know now. As Veruca said, I WANT IT NOW!

Pita Chirla Power said...

hello!! from Spain (canary island) we´r waiting too.
jajaja we like very much your blog, do you speak spanish too?? if you want you can comment into english too!!

Come on!!