About 3 times a week, I take the bus to and from work to save on gas & parking. Today, on the way home from work, I felt like I was on the bus from the movie Speed. Once on I-75, traffic all of a sudden started to crawl. So, our bus driver took it upon herself to drive along the shoulder, rumble strips, grass, and all to get around stopped traffic. Then, she forced her way back into the mess. Then, she got over two lanes, speeding up to a pretty good clip to get around the stopped traffic. Turns out, there was a 3-car wreck in one of the middle lanes. Well, she got around that, but kept on flying down the highway, even once she merged onto I-74. There were several of us thinking, "what the hell!" Once off the highway, all seemed pretty normal until one of the stops in Northside where the bus stalled. It was one of the most bizarre bus rides I've ever been on. The kicker was when the chick started driving on the shoulder. I admire her spunk and creativity, but it REALLY would have sucked if she got pulled over and made the trip even longer. So, if you feel like a bizarre public transportation experience, get on the 15x from downtown. It will keep you awake.
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