Monday, January 30, 2006
The World Series of Pop Culture
VH1 is having a contest called The World Series of Pop Culture. John Wooley, my brother-in-not-so-law, entered himself, Chris and I to audition for this competition. The whole premise behind it is to "find 16 three-person teams who think they’ve got what it takes to compete in the most intense pop culture trivia tournament to date." The winners get $100,000. The pain in the ass part was having to fill out an application and it asks all sorts of questions about why I think I would be a good candidate. I tried not to be TOO much of a smart-ass, but I definitely made it interesting reading for them. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to eliminate us with them, but rather increase our chances of getting noticed. So, if we get chosen to compete, you'll hear it here first. It would also mean going to New York city the weekend of April 28th-30th. Sweeeeeeeet. In the pop culture words of Mork, "Nanew, nanew." (bitches)!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
I'm Not (That Much of) a Geek
But....I've been watching this show on The Science Channel called "How It's Made". It's really pretty interesting. They show, well, how things are made. For example, combination locks, doors, recreation vehicles and newspapers. I know it sounds boring as shit, but it's kind of cool seeing all that is involved in making what would seem like very simple things. So, shut up, I say. I'm not a don't know me.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Someone's a Fatty
Will & Grace Correction
Remember the post I put up last week about "Mickey" from The Comeback being on W&G? Well, it's actually tonight. I guess since they had a live episode two weeks ago, it pushed this episode back. So, check out the major queen Robert Michael Morris on W&G tonight. Remember, he was one of my dad's friends in high school, college and the seminary. Go figure.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
What a brilliant show. I'm so glad they've been playing two in a row on Tuesday nights. We just got done watching two of them back to back tonight and, literally, we laughed almost the entire time. I highly recommend checking this shit out. Whomever the writers are must have dropped a lot of acid in their younger years (similar to Matt Groening), and I'm very glad that they did. It fills the void of something to watch on a Tuesday night. I think you'll all like watching Honey Bear and Chocolate Bear playing the fucked up characters they portray.
Monday, January 23, 2006
I'm a WOL
For those of you who don't know what I mean, it refers to Waste Of Life. Between it being Monday and having to start a new week of work, I don't feel like doing SHIT tonight. I'm going to eat, watch TV and maybe a movie, and go to bed. Wait, I forgot to mention that I'll probably eat some ice cream too. It's probably not the best use of my time considering we leave for Cancun in two weeks, but fuck it. I'm happy in my woldom.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I Just Don't Get It
Some of my friends have some issues going on. There are those that have been together for a long time and others that haven't been together very long at all. Regardless, relationships have changed in all cases. I'm not just talking about the partners, but also between my friends and myself. I value my friendships (almost more than my own family). It sucks when I see those friendships drifting apart.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
WOW, What a Game
We're watching the Cross-town Shoot-out between UC and Xavier. It just went into overtime. What an awesome game so far! I'm torn as to who to root for. I guess I'll pick Xavier since I'm getting my MBA there. Sorry Jim & Rob, I know I'll pay for it later.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Crazy Ride Home

About 3 times a week, I take the bus to and from work to save on gas & parking. Today, on the way home from work, I felt like I was on the bus from the movie Speed. Once on I-75, traffic all of a sudden started to crawl. So, our bus driver took it upon herself to drive along the shoulder, rumble strips, grass, and all to get around stopped traffic. Then, she forced her way back into the mess. Then, she got over two lanes, speeding up to a pretty good clip to get around the stopped traffic. Turns out, there was a 3-car wreck in one of the middle lanes. Well, she got around that, but kept on flying down the highway, even once she merged onto I-74. There were several of us thinking, "what the hell!" Once off the highway, all seemed pretty normal until one of the stops in Northside where the bus stalled. It was one of the most bizarre bus rides I've ever been on. The kicker was when the chick started driving on the shoulder. I admire her spunk and creativity, but it REALLY would have sucked if she got pulled over and made the trip even longer. So, if you feel like a bizarre public transportation experience, get on the 15x from downtown. It will keep you awake.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Watch Will & Grace This Thursday

Mickey, from The Comeback on HBO, will be a guest star on Will & Grace this Thursday. For those of you who don't know, he was in the seminary with my dad and I think they went to Purcell High School together. Mike Morris has been to Elmer Davis Lake (my parents' lakehouse) and some of my friends have gotten a kick out of this. FYI, he's gay in real life (although he claims he's bi), as if you didn't figure that already. Regardless, check out W&G this Thursday and check him out in one of the last shows they'll be doing. Here's a link to Mike's website.
Decide for Yourself
Today, we had a very interesting conversation about these yummy treats. I grew up knowing them as King Dons, although I like knowing them better as Ding Dongs. You do the math.
P.S. Thanks Rob & Jim for the website info.
P.S. Thanks Rob & Jim for the website info.
Friday, January 13, 2006
This Sunday
We're visiting Eric again. If there's anything you want us to relay, let me know. He'll be back in the 'nati in 5 months. Start making your looped construction paper chain so that you can tear one off each day. All I can say is that there will be a big party the day he's back!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I'm So Pretty
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Cancun Trip

We are going on an all-inclusive trip to Cancun next month. It's called the Iberostar Paraiso Lindo. Chris's parents are taking all of their children as well as significant others and are paying for the whole trip (including airfare). I can't wait! I'll send all you pussies a postcard when we're there.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Being John Malcovich
I'm watching this movie right now and I forgot how weird it is. Cameron Diaz plays John Kuzak's wife in the flick and she's bisexual. She wants to hook up with John's business partner, but the business partner, Maxine, only wants to 'be' with her when she's inside John Malcovich. I know it sounds pretty fucked up, and it is really fucked up. I suggest watching the movie to understand. I just want to know what drugs the writer was on when he/she thought up this story. I might have to try some.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Friday, January 06, 2006
I'm Sick
Yet, I've decided to drink anyway. There is something about it that comforts me. I'm sure I'll pay tomorrow, but it's fucking worth it. I'm feeling miserable now, so why not indulge since I'll feel like shit tomorrow anyway?
Thursday, January 05, 2006
It's About Time

The new furniture arrived tonight after a lot of b.s. per my earlier posts. My/our rating: Fantastic. The funny thing about it is that when we were in the showroom, I was at first kind of wishy-washy about the particular pieces. Turns out, they match our woodwork like we custom ordered them. Score! They even sit better than the models we test drove in the showroom, so I'm happy to report that we're more than pleased. No cognitive dissonance here. Whoever wants to come over and sit your buns on our pieces are more than welcum.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Reality Check
Going back to work sucks. Short weeks seem longer than regular weeks too. Why should we have to work? We're American.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Stupid Fucking Sofa Express
They fucked up. We were told we'd be getting our couch delivered today. So, Chris got up early this morning to call for a time window when they'd be delivering. When he talked to the first person, she said that it was not even listed as being delivered. He then asked for a supervisor. She proceeded to find the order, but our couch and chair were not on the delivery trucks. They left earlier and weren't coming back at all. So, he bitched, saying that it's bullshit we'll have to take a day or half a day off of work so that we could be there for the delivery. She apologized, etc, etc, but that still didn't help things out. So, she ended up getting a delivery date of Wednesday between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Great. She did waive the $70 delivery fee, but it still doesn't help, considering we rearranged our living room to accomodate the new furniture. Word of warning - Take a grain of salt with everything Sofa Express tells you if you end up buying there. My advice - Don't buy there.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year Chumps!

Last night we brought in the new year with a few close friends. It was a nice time and a perfect amount of people to have the time to have actual conversations with people. Here are more pictures from last night. And, dammit, Rob beat everyone in Texas Hold 'em. I was a close second, but got screwed on the river at the end. That's ok, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to buy a couple of rounds the next time we go out.
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