My friend
Momma is going to somewhere in Tennessee this weekend with his
boy to see
Sordid Lives live. I'm jealous; what a great movie. I think that some of my favorite movies are the Indie movies that make it big (or at least into the mainstream). Sordid Lives is fucking hilarious. As the movie title suggests, it's "A Black Comedy About White Trash." The inital attraction among the gay community was that the story was being told via a gay guy. However, the real fun comes with the rest of his family. His "down home" family. It's one of those films that causes people at parties to start the quote game. Similar to the Caddyshacks and Fletches of back in the day. By the way, I know that was a sentence fragment, but I don't give a fuck. Regardless, I'm jealous of Momma and his boy for seeing a recent all-time classic in the flesh. All I want is a damn phone call from Brotherboy on my voicemail so that I can share it with friends. (Like NN1 did).
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