Monday, July 31, 2006
I Don't Know Why I'm Watching This Movie
Other than out of sheer boredom (and slight entertainment). The Gods Must Be Crazy is on the Fox Movie Channel. The only thing that is keeping my attention is the terribly ridiculous fast animation. It's like you are watching something on fast forward. In a way, I guess it's like a train wreck that you just can't NOT watch. If it wasn't 4,000 degrees outside, I'd be doing something productive. God, I can't wait for the new TV season to begin.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Out of the blue, Jillian's closed today. Random. Apparently, the employees went into work today and they were told that Jillian's is permanently closed without any explanation. Too bad, because I always had a good time there. And I LOVED the Hibatchi Grill. I'm sure it's all due to "hard economic times" or something along those lines. Meanwhile, we'll come to find out in about 2 months that it was the owner snorting the profits up his/her nose.
No Way, Shut the Hell Up, I Can't Believe It
ALLEGEDY, Lance Bass is gay. I don't believe it for one minute. He is so straight - I've seen all the girls he's been with throughout the years. What is the New York Post trying to do? Sabotage his career? Here's an article about what they wrote. Anyone who was EVER in N'Sync could not possibly like boys. Let me put it this way, if a gay person ever walked into the Atlantic House in Provincetown, they would be beat up or kicked out. That's just how it is.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
What the Phuck?
I had to fill my car up today, as I was almost on E. I stopped at a Shell station close to the research facility and it cost me $49.00 to fill my little car. Granted, it takes premium gas, but, Christ! I'm selling it and buying a Vespa. Better yet, I'm becoming a stay-at-homo dad. I know Chris won't have a problem with that.
Monday, July 24, 2006
This is the Beginning of a LONG Week
I will be in market research all week until Friday. That means getting no (or little) work done while I'm there. It just sucks because I'll be trying to play catch-up the following week. Then, I fly out on Tuesday afternoon and will be gone all day Wednesday. My head is going to explode (and not in the good way). Who wants to be Matt Loos for a week? I'll trade ya.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Yes, I Rock
Well, at least I will in the future. I just installed new front speakers on the Triumph and it sounds SOOO much better. I also ordered new box speakers for the back, but those won't ship for a few days. So, if you see a broken down Triumph on the side of the road, don't fret. I'll have music to help pass the time.
Friday, July 21, 2006
I Don't Know What Happened
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I am so excited for the Strangers With Candy Movie that is coming out this month. In fact, it will start playing at the Esquire Theater this Friday! Jerri Blank, a boozer, a user, and a loser will tell her story about her time before going back to high school. So, read between the lines, pussies, and let me know if you want to go see it.
Your Favorite Scroatlick
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Fun in the Sun

Friday, July 14, 2006
Surprises are Fun
Chris and I went to the Comet tonight for dinner and lo & behold, who shows up? ............................ Did I keep you wondering long enough? Jim, Rob and Rob's brother, David. Random, yet, VERY fun. Albeit, they made me have more iced tea than I was planning. Bygones. (Very FAST bygones at that.) Three words: I had a blast. OK, that's four words....whatever. Needless to say, I can mark one more Snuffalupugus(sp?) off my list. David and Rob are so alike, yet so different. Was that redundant enough? I like to keep my audience guessing. The windup is that it was great to finally meet Rob's brother and we had a great time tonight when we were just planning on doing a whole bunch of nothing. It's always fun to meet family members (that aren't our own).
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Boo Hoo, You Pussies
For God sakes, it's a roller coaster, people! You should expect to get thrown around, tossed around and shaken. ESPECIALLY on a wooden coaster. Get over it. The Son of Beast has been meticulously scrutinized the past few days because some people complained about being hurt on the ride. Well, guess what, dumbasses, it's GONNA happen at some point. That's the risk you take when going on a man-built adreneline-filled ride. "Take your chances" should be the sign in front of every ride built. Go figure, the Cincinnati Enquirer has to report it like it's a car bomb going off. Well, I'm sorry to those people who got a boo-boo...but they should have known that their safety is NOT guaranteed on an amusement park ride. As for the Enquirer, I understand if you're hard up for a story now and again, but otherwise, act like a real newpaper and chase after the important things. Maybe you should watch CNN.COM for some hints.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Tornadoes Hit the Area
There were some very severe storms that went through just northeast of Cincinnati. Allegedly, there were between 2-3 tornadoes that hit certain areas. I was getting ready to chase, but I was too bitter that all we got was just rain. Lucky Goshen, Milford, and Blanchester.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Why Do Mondays Blow So Much?
I can go into work on a Monday morning and not have any meetings on my calendar. It never fails that somehow, meetings seem to appear out of thin air. It's like people need to punish other people since they didn't work for the prior two days. I've resigned to the fact that Mondays will never be productive work days. They will be filled with retarded meetings. So, tomorrow, I blocked off the entire day as busy time on my Lotus Notes calendar so that I can actually get some work done. Am I brilliant or what?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Fuck. I Just Did Something Stupid
I needed to manscape very badly, so I trimmed my chest. I used a #1 guard instead of the usual #2 guard. Now I look like a little boy. Sick.
So Sorry, My Bad, Etc, Etc.
I know I've been out of the blogging loop lately, but between work and the holiday, I just haven't had much time in front of the computer. 1.) Work has been kicking my ass lately (and I said kicking, not licking 2.) Chris and I have been all over the place lately - per my earlier posts - so I'm finally back in the loop 3.) We watched Syriana tonight (a movie I didn't get at all, although the brainiac Chris didn't either, so I don't feel so bad) 4.) I just felt like I needed a number 4 just to be even. I am all about harmony, after all.
So, my whole point to this post is that I plan on being TONS better about keeping a daily blog again. I know what you whores are thinking - why the fuck didn't he post today? What a fucking slacker! Well, I agree. I hate those people. Yet, at the same time I love me. Do you see the conflicts I go through?
So, my whole point to this post is that I plan on being TONS better about keeping a daily blog again. I know what you whores are thinking - why the fuck didn't he post today? What a fucking slacker! Well, I agree. I hate those people. Yet, at the same time I love me. Do you see the conflicts I go through?
Monday, July 03, 2006
A Holla Out to my Peeps
Happy Birthday to Jennifer 'O Jenny today! And a holla out to my boooiieeeeee Noah, who celebrates his birthday on Independence Day! Hope you all have a good, dirty time.
It Has Been a Whirlwind
If you would have asked me what we were doing for the July 4th holiday about 2 weeks ago, I would have told you "not much." However, little by little, we decided to do something here, something there, until every day was taken with something (or someone) to do. Friday, we actually did nothing, which was SO NICE. We rented Transamerica. A little slow at times, but still pretty good. Saturday, we had our friend Rob's graduation party to go to, which turned out to be oodles of fun. Then, yesterday, we met up with Chris's family at a relative's farm in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. I know, I'm still not sure where it was that we went. But, we wanted to show his family the Triumph and we drove in 90 degree weather with the top down for 2.5-3 hours. (Each way). After all that, we needed air conditioning and a few beers, so we met up with Rob and Frickers. Today - I work. Tonight, we're going to our friend's going away party. Tomorrow, our neighbors are having a 4th of July party starting at 11:00 a.m. Then we'll walk to the end of our street to watch the crazy Northside parade. To top off the long weekend, I plan on passing out. So much for a relaxing weekend. What did you bitches do this holiday weekend?
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