Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I Hate So Many Things Right Now
Why the fuck does Windows XP not work with so many other programs? I use Firefox for my main browser and half the time it seems to not respond. It must be that most programs are "best optimized if using Internet Explorer." I absolutely despise anything that Bill Gates and his company brings to market. Everything is always suseptible to viruses, the shit always seems to freeze, and last, but not least, it's virus-laden. At the same time, I'm not a big fan of Macs, so it seems that I'm pretty much fucked. I can't wait for the day that that there's not a Windows or an Iproduct on the market. Granted, there will always be hackers, but, c'mon people, start up something new. Nevermind, I'm just a bitter and jaded Gen-X'er.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Look, I Made a Survey...
Check this little survey/poll out that I made using SurveyMonkey. This is a really cool little tool! By the way, all responses are anonymous, so don't worry. No one will know your answers. But, TAKE IT!
Monday, November 28, 2005
More Yuletide Activities

Sunday, November 27, 2005
Move Over Thanksgiving, Make Way for Christmas

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time for weeks of Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. In order to be in the spirit and overdose on this festive season, I hung the wreaths on the outside of the house and started putting up decorations inside. I just finished putting the tree up, which is always a total pain in the ass. The worst part is fluffing the branches back out after being smashed in a box for a year. That takes the longest time regarding the tree. Now, I have to put on the lights and ornaments. I think I'm going to require Chris's help for that. I've posted a couple of pics of the outside of the house with the wreaths and candles in the windows. We bought lights for the yard to shine on the front of the house, but, considering it's raining outside, I think I'll wait to do that. Feliz navidad, bitches, hos and hoochies of the world.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I'm Exhausted
Last night, we once again had a Texas Hold 'Em family tournament. Chris won the pot, which is fine, as long as John Wooley and Big John Anderson didn't win twice. Of course, alcohol was involved last night and I stayed up pretty late. This morning, EARLY this morning, the girls (Chris's neices) got up and so did their puppy Bear. So, at around 8:00 this morning, there was screaming, barking, and stomping. Ugh. I ended up rolling out of bed at 10:00, but I pretty much laid in bed for an hour before doing so. Then we had to drive to Columbus for a brunch at Chris's cousin's house. We had mimosas and wine while there, ate, and headed back home. Needless to say, it has been a long day so far. Now I'm ready for some sex and then a nap. If anyone's going out tonight, we're up for it. I think I need some gay interaction tonight, as I've been in gay detox for the past few days. Just give me a call, gurls, and I'll meet you at the cha-cha.
Good Call on my Part
I suggested we go to Jillian's for dinner at the Hibatchi Grill and then some games afterwards. Well, it turned out to be a big hit. The girls had a good time, and so did Mira & Megan. Regardless, I didn't know how Chris's family would enjoy it. From minute two, they loved it. We did have a good server - he was crazy and fun and quite interactive. The best part of the night was when the server challenged three of us to race around the outside of the restaurant, flapping our arms like chickens to get back before the other two...kind of like musical chairs. And who was the biggest ass of them all, taking it bait, line and sinker? Yours truly. I got over it pretty quickly. This guy was a true hoot - he had us all entertained pretty much the whole time we were there. And the food was quite tasty. Too bad we all wussed out on doing saki bombs. I may have performed better on Texas Hold 'Em when we got home later. (Although I did come in second, bitches).
Friday, November 25, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I'm Taking a Poll
I had a discussion the other day with some friends about how many guys shave their balls. I think it's more than most people think. I even know several straight guys that shave them. I would be one that participates in this ritual as well. So, I must settle this little debate... Do you shave your balls - yes or no. Feel free to answer in the comments section at the end of this blog.
I'm so glad tomorrow is Wednesday, considering it's really my Friday. I'm off work Thanksgiving and the real Friday of this week. I busted ass cleaning tonight for the in-laws that are coming in town tomorrow. Chris ended up taking the day off to take care of a few things I didn't get to and also to start preparing all the food for the big day. Alls I knows is that I'm wearin' me some jeans to work tomorra. I'm ready for another alcoholiday - it's been a whole two months since my last one. Well, at least that's what I tell people.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
There's Nothing Wrong with Skyline

Saturday, November 19, 2005
I just turned on the DirecTv satellite music channel to play while I'm in the shower and the channels were all different. 813 used to be the dance channel, but it was now suddenly country music. After a quick investigation, I realized that DirecTv brought on XM radio! Sweet!!! So, now I can listed to my BPM (channel 81 on XM) on my stereo at home. Wheeeeee! Now I won't have to ever be away from Alan Freed.
Damn, I'm Beat
It's been a whirlwind of a Friday. The work we did in Chicago was REALLY GOOD. I learned a lot about the Noxema brand. One of the biggest learnings was that no one knows that Noxema has more products available than the good old "jar" we all grew up on. Well, people, there's lots. Beyond work stuff (which I'd have to kill you if I told you), I ended up hitting Nordstrom's to buy a new coat and pair of gloves. I'm a stylin' bitch now. It only cost me a couple of limbs, but, that's OK, they weren't very important. I can still walk pretty well with a few missing toes. OK, I'm out because in Karen Walker's terms..."I'm gonna go poop."
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Off To Chicago
I have to go to Chi-Town for work tomorrow to attend some focus groups on Noxema. Yeah, baby. I'm flying out tonight though so that I don't have to catch an early morning flight tomorrow. Oh, and my hotel is just off the magnificent mile. What does that mean? Shopping. I'm not a typical gay man who likes to shop. In fact, I'm pretty much the opposite. But, I feel that it's my duty to take advantage of the situation since I'll be right there. Plus, I need a new winter coat and gloves; they're both about 4 years old. I have an image to conform to at P&G, yo.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Weathermen Suck
We are/were supposed to get some very heavy rain/severe weather tonight. So far, nothing. I'm on the National Weather Service site and the radar is showing rain, but nothing remotely severe. That pisses me off! I love severe weather and we always seem to get ripped off. The weathermen get everyone's hopes up and break into shows constantly to give the "severe weather update." But, it never fails, the weather pussies out or they just get it all wrong to begin with. Fuck, if I could knew that I could get a job where I'm always wrong and still get paid, I would have signed up LONG ago. Stupid idiot meteorologists.
Monday, November 14, 2005
I think I have S.A.D. For those of you who don't know what it is, it stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. This means that you get depressed when the weather gets cold and dreary, with less sunlight during the days. A.K.A. winter. Here are some symptoms:
- Regularly occurring symptoms of depression (excessive eating and sleeping, weight gain) during the fall or winter months. OK, YES, THIS WOULD APPLY
- Full remission from depression occur in the spring and summer months. YES
- Seasonal episodes substantially outnumber nonseasonal depression episodes. WHAT?
- A craving for sugary and/or starchy foods. YES
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Gatlinburg 2005

What can I say. The annual trip to GB was once again a blast. The weekend went way too fast though, plus it didn't help that most of us slept until 1:00 on Saturday. Here are pictures of the event, and here is a quick video of normal behavior of one Chris Peters. There will also be some on Chris's website - just click on the Gatlinburg link next to the picture. So, I sit here on Sunday night with SND's (Sunday Night Depression), drinking a beer. It's the only way I'll be able to fall asleep tonight after staying up late 3 nights in a row. Training for work should be fun tomorrow. Oh well. One last thought: Don't ride a mechanical bull in just shorts; unless you want two cherries on the inside of your thighs and pain for a couple of days. The End.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Last Post for the Weekend
We are headed out of town for the weekend - around 12 or so tomorrow. So, all you Cincymatt fans will have to hold off until Sunday to get another update. That will consist of pictures of sheer drunkeness, debauchery, and stupidity. In the meantime, why don't you check out this site for some entertainment. I know it's wrong, but I also know that you love it. So, don't be liars, just admit that you're as fucked up as me.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Two Days and Counting
That is until we head down to Gatlinburg - the Myrtle Beach in the mountains. Cheesiness, touristy, and white trash all bundled up into one. Well, at least on "the strip." We'll be staying up in a 14 person chalet up in the mountains. It's a Cincinnati-meets-Charlotte-meets-Madison gathering. And as always, a drunkfest. Here's the place we'll be staying at; not the prettiest of the chalets we've stayed in, but it has all the amenities to keep us entertained. Plus, there's PLENTY of room for the 50 cases of beer we'll be consuming. Expect some drunk dialing from us this weekend, bitches.
Monday, November 07, 2005
My Bush is Burning
I was so excited to return from Cleveland to see that my bush is starting to burn. No, I'm not a cherry chicken, I'm talking about the burning bush I planted a couple of months ago. It's pretty small still, and I didn't think it would turn red this fall - it's common for them not to turn for the first couple of years. But, it's slowly starting to turn red....kind of like my alcoholic red face.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
My Niece is a Trip
I'm in Cleveland this weekend for Mira's 4th birthday. It's Saturday night and it is now 12:45. I've been awake by myself for about an hour or so. Prior to that, John and Laura were both up, but John had to be a woman and go to bed. (I had to mention that since he won the Texas Hold 'em game last night). Anyway, I'm enjoying John and Laura's new dog Bear....although Hannah may not have the same mindset. In about 5 minutes, Bear will be bigger than Hannah - apparently that's how fast Newfoundlands grow. I'll be sure to post a picture of Bear after I ask John/Laura to email me one. He is a total cutie....that likes to sleep a me.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Peeing at Night is Dangerous
Last night, I got up in the middle of the night to take a piss. In usual fashion when I'm out of it, I'll hold myself up by putting a hand on the wall in front of me while I relieve myself. Last night, however, in my sleepy fog, I misjudged where my hand was supposed to support my body. Instead, I put my hand on a picture, which proceeded to fall down. In the process, the corner of the picture scratched my forehead and then fell to the floor. The glass cover broke. So, not wanting to deal with it at 4:00 a.m., I just set it on the floor up against the wall. Now I have to sweep up glass and re-hang the picture. I also need a tetanus shot. Well, not really. Moral of the story: If you have to pee at night, just go in your pants.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
I'm All Urban Now, Yo.
I started my official first real day of work today at P&G. The building I work in is located at 5th and Sycamore - in pretty much the heart of downtown. It so good to be back working downtown after about 5 years of being in the 'burbs. It's too bad that I started after they began construction on Fountain Square....that's some good people watchin'. Regardless, I love the fact that I can walk down the street in pretty much any direction to get food, run errands, and meet up with friends. If anyone's up for meeting at Atlanta Bread or Burrito Joe's, let me know. Like Texas Hold 'Em, I'm all in.
I've Been a Slacker
I know it's been a few days since I've blogged, but I attribute it to laziness. Now that I'm on a regular schedule again (employment, that is), I'll be better about updating this puppy. Now - off to work. I'll let you know how it feels when they implant the microchip into my neck today.
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