Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Sorry, mom and dad, if you're reading this. I know I was raised better. Who am I kidding...their computer is so virus-laden that they'll never get to this blog.
I just realized that we have water coming through our roof into the house. I was walking through the bedroom barefoot when I stepped in a wet spot on the floor. At first, I thought maybe Hannah had an accident, but she never does that. It immediately donned on me that it's been raining all day. Chris and I have suspected that our roof might be leaking, but this is confirmation that our fears were correct. I guess I won't have any fun spending money after all. GODDAMMIT! I'm going to sue that shitty inspector.
Monday, August 29, 2005
A Pleasant Surprise
I got my bonus check today for last fiscal year's performance. Yea! With it, I'm going to pay off the last of my bitch student loans from undergrad. With what's left over, I'm going to treat myself to something; I'm not sure what yet, but I'm sure I can blow a wad on myself. (Well, I know I can do that). Maybe a new leather couch or do something fun like go to Vegas. In two weeks, I'll have all the time in the world on my hands. On the other hand, maybe I should save it for a rainy day. Fuck that noise.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Another Boring Week Ahead
Alas comes another week of total boredom at work. Literally, I have nothing to do. My job will be ending in two weeks, so what's the point in starting any more projects? The internet can only keep me occupied for so long, and then it gets really boring. I will continue my job hunt at work, but that also only takes so much time. I guess I'll have to keep taking super long lunches, run errands and call friends to help my day pass. Anyone want to meet for lunch tomorrow?
Pictures From Yesterday

Here are the pictures from my family birthday celebration and the luau at Rick & Steve's. Both were a very fun time, and now I'm feeling a little hung over. Stupid alcohol, I love you.
All I Have to Say is...
John Wooley cracks my shit up! And, yes, it's 3 in the morning. By the way, John, I'm the youngest of the crowd. So, yes, I'm a young old guy.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Fun Evening Planned
Tonight should be a fun night. Chris and I are first going over to my sister's where we'll celebrate my 32nd birthday. From there, we'll stop by our friends Jim & Rob's place to see the demolition work they started yesterday (while drinking - you go gurls!) that will open their place up from a two family to a one family. Then, we're going to other friends' who are having a Luau party tonight. Chris and I went to Cappel's to buy our grass skirts and shell-decorated flip-flops. The Evite the guys sent out had 84 people say yes to the event along with several maybes and non-responders. It should be a great time - I can't wait to see how Stevie and Rick are going to host 84 people! It'll be a sardine-fest. I just hope they have BPM playing so that I can shake my tush (and grass skirt).
Friday, August 26, 2005
There Are No Good Gay Bars in Cincinnati
This town's gay bars suck. Maybe one exception would be Hamburger Mary's, but the bar area is currently closed for expansion. Carol's sucks - it's all old men and very little bar area. The Pipeline closed, Spurs closed, the Dock is the worst of all. Apparently there is one that opened on Broadway, but my friend Jim went and said it was a dirty dump. Then you have Simon Says that is just WRONG. The Serpent isn't really my scene, although I might have to make it my scene considering what we have to work with here. Why does Dayton, OH of all places have a way fucking cooler club than here? Cincinnati sucks.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
What Exactly Do I Do?
Well, check it out for yourself. Here's my resume. I require 6 figures, bitches.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Job Hunting Sucks
I just spent a good 3 hours looking for jobs in the Cincinnati area. No matter how many attractive jobs there might be, the whole process just blows. Anymore, you can't just submit a resume, you are redirected onto the company's site and have to fill out additional interest forms or have to take a survey to see how much of a fit you are with their company. Fuckheads. Either I'm going to take the first job I am offered or I'm just going to start playing the lottery. No, that's a lie. And don't even get me started on the interviewing process. Why do I keep chasing companies out of Cincinnati? All I want to do is get vested! UGH.
Monday, August 22, 2005
So I'm Inked Now....Sort Of

Oh Yeah
I turned 32 on Saturday. Although, the birthday was kind of anti-climactic after spending several hours in Logan Airport. It's all good though, I was with good company. Plus, we had fun ripping on all the stupid Delta check-in people. The best part was when our friend Bob told one of them to Fuck Off. Momma, when are you quitting that place?
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Last Dance, Last Dance, Toniiiiiiiiiight

What an awesome time we all had in P-Town. I can't even begin to describe everything that went on, but it was pure entertainment the whole time. Chris and I celebrated our 4th anniversary together there and bought rings to mark the occasion. Here's a list of some of the highlights of the trip. (I won't go into specific details, but ask me and I'll tell ya).
1. The Bike Police (two drunkards on a bike pulling other bikers over)
2. Calling everyone Stephanie as they walked by (and them calling us Stephanie back the next day)
3. Tea Dance everyday
4. Weather in the 70's and 80's (ha-ha Cincinnatians)
5. Granny getting a lap dance by a Bacardi go-go boy
6. Kyle and Travis going to buy some fun club clothes, deciding they didn't fit, and got a Reece's Cup instead
7. A little bit of Ecstasy...
8. The awesome house we stayed at
9. The Stooges and Scrannahs
You can check out pictures of the debauchery here.
Friday, August 12, 2005
We're Off
We'll be leaving here in a couple of hours to head to the airport. Agenda? 1. Get to the airport 2. Check in 3. Go directly to the bar 4. Board Plane 5. Arrive in Paradise (well, not really, but at least Boston)
Don't forget to look for us on the P-Town webcam.
Have a good week at work, bitches!
Don't forget to look for us on the P-Town webcam.
Have a good week at work, bitches!
Great Songs from the Grunge Era
In no particular order:
1. Porno For Pyros - Pets
2. Alice in Chains - Would
3. Pearl Jam - Any song off of the album Vs.
4. Jane's Addiction - Jane Says
5. Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
6. Smashing Pumpkins - Any song off of the album Siamese Dream
7. Nirvana - Lake of Fire
8. Nirvana - Plateau (MTV Unplugged) (and the original for that matter)
9. Nirvana - On a Plain
10. Weezer - Hash Pipe (This might be a recent song, but I still like Weezer a lot)
11. Stone Temple Pilots - Vaseline
12. Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby
13. Soundgarden - Birth Ritual (off the Singles soundtrack)
14. Primus - My Name is Mud
There you have it. Great songs from the recent past. I hope you jammed out to them like I did. "Good Times."
1. Porno For Pyros - Pets
2. Alice in Chains - Would
3. Pearl Jam - Any song off of the album Vs.
4. Jane's Addiction - Jane Says
5. Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
6. Smashing Pumpkins - Any song off of the album Siamese Dream
7. Nirvana - Lake of Fire
8. Nirvana - Plateau (MTV Unplugged) (and the original for that matter)
9. Nirvana - On a Plain
10. Weezer - Hash Pipe (This might be a recent song, but I still like Weezer a lot)
11. Stone Temple Pilots - Vaseline
12. Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby
13. Soundgarden - Birth Ritual (off the Singles soundtrack)
14. Primus - My Name is Mud
There you have it. Great songs from the recent past. I hope you jammed out to them like I did. "Good Times."
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Tomorrow's the Big Day!

We leave tomorrow for Provincetown for Carnival Week. I can't wait, I've been looking forward to this trip since we first booked our flights about 6 months ago. All I have to do is pack tomorrow, and I ended up taking the day off. So, packing will occupy me for about an hour. Then, I'll be bouncing off the walls in anticipation of going to CVG. The best part is that friends of ours will be arriving at the same time in Boston from Charlotte, NC. Let the Alcoholiday begin! By the way, the map is of driving directions from our house to the house we'll stay in once we arrive. But, we're flying, so it will be much more direct. I'm sure I'll be writing more tomorrow since I'll be bored out of my mind, but I promise, I won't be boring you to death about this vacation. Or will I?????
I Didn't Think I'd Ever Admit This...
But, I actually like a Mariah Carey song. Technically, it's her song, but not really. The version in particular that I'm hooked on these days is "We Belong Together - Reconstruction Mix" by Peter Rauhofer. It's addictive and it's been in my head all day. There, I said it. I like a Mariah song. I know, I'm gay.
What a Shame. Release it, release it!
Colin Ferrell is a hottie. I just hope that the tape gets released eventually. Who cares that he's having sex with a woman, I just want to see him buck naked.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I'm a Very Lucky Boy...

Look at this Waste of Life
Travelers Checks or Debit Card
Chris has mentioned that he might get travelers checks to take to Provincetown. I don't understand why, because a debit card is just about as secure as travelers checks. I'm not ripping on you bee-bee, but I don't plan on getting travelers checks. I would have to make a special trip to get them, and who knows if some of the shops up there will take them. When I go out, I bring only my ID and cash. That way, I'm not in fear of losing my wallet or being pick-pocketed. I also keep them in my front pocket. Regardless, I personally don't see the need for travelers checks for this trip. There is an ATM right on Commercial Street that I can hit whenever I need to. What do y'all think?
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
What Ever Happened to the Marathon Bar?

Remember this delicious, long, criss-crossed stick of chocolate-covered caramel? I used to love these growing up, but one day when I wasn't paying attention, they disappeared. I can't even find a picture of the old bar itself, just this wannabe replacement that you can only order online. Stupid marketing people, they never know what's good.
Monday, August 08, 2005
I am so SICK of this
These are Really Cool Dogs
I would consider getting one of these if I were to get another dog. The last time we all went down to my parents' lakehouse, a dog of this breed ended up showing up and hanging out with us most of the weekend. It turns out that it was one of the neighbor's dog, but it was really fucking cool. It was laid back, nice, and got along fantastically with Hannah. Chris and I have talked about getting another dog, but we'll see. Apparently, this breed is kind of rare and expensive. Cool as shit though.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
I Can't Wait!!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005
And So Does Laura Wooley...
If you need a great designer, you live in the Cleveland area, or not, feel free to contact Laura Wooley. She can turn anything into magic. Once again, we've had a great visit to Cleveland.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Weekend Roadtrip

Well, we're getting ready to take off for Cleveland to visit with friends and the in-laws. It will be fun to see all the college crew again. Plus, we'll be boating on Lake Erie on Saturday. There will be more than enough (probably too much) alcohol flowing. I'll update you all on Sunday when we get back with pictures, etc. Here's where we'll be staying once we get there. Ciao Baby Canteenas.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Why in the FUCK do people insist on going 60 mph in the high speed lane in Cincinnati? I have heard complaints by multiple people (on whether which state drivers are the worst), but it doesn't matter which state is worst to me. The stupid motherfuckers are always causing backups on the interstates, because for some reason, they feel the need to be in the most left-hand lane. IF YOU DUMB-FUCKS can read, it says "Slower Traffic Keep Right." Maybe it's the fact that people can't read. Who knows. Regardless, it causes road rage, not only in me, but in many other drivers. I blame part of the problem on Cincinnati for not expanding I-75 yet (it should have been done 5 years ago or more). But, it doesn't matter which road/highway you're on, there are always STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS going slow in the high-speed lane. The biggest pisser is when those slow people see you start to speed up to go around them, then speed up to not let you pass. Let this be a message to all those retard drivers: YOU SUCK DEAD MONKEY ASS AND SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED ON THE ROAD.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Fun, Fun, Fun

Chris and I just got back from Frickers in North College Hill and had a grand ole time. They have some kick-ass chicken chunks by the way. Now I'm having a beer and listening to Technologic by Daft Punk. It's a great song - very Daft Punk. The little guy in the video reminds me of a cross between Chucky from those horror movies and some fucked up Marilyn Manson videos. My favorite video to this day is also by Daft Punk. It's the video to Around the World. I'll be more than happy to send it to you if you'd like to see it. I just don't have a link to put on here. I also get a kick out of the fact that Daft Punk (a two man group) has never shown their faces. At all. Brilliant!
This is Pretty Amazing
An Airbus A340 crashed off the runway landing in Toronto, ON. 309 passengers and the entire crew lived, no fatalities. Here are some pictures of the wreckage. I guess God really doesn't hate the Canadians. Ha.
As Promised...
Off the new phone

Well, I thought I could download a picture off my new phone, but apparently, I have to change some settings. Word to the wise for those that buy off of Ebay. Here's a not-so-much picture that I tried downloading from tonight. You'll at least get the picture.
No, that's not a tiny hat on my head, it's a sign in back. Anyway, we had fun, and that's all that matters. I'll upload the REAL picture(s) from tonight sometime manana.
Time for me to hit the hay. Wish it were the bong.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
I'm Half Dead
So, I went onto DeathClock.com and found out that I'll only live until I'm 67. Great, I'm halfway there already. The worst part is that I die on my older sister's birthday - January 6th. I better get in as much drinking, drugs and dick as I can until then. (Just kidding about the dick part, unless it's my bee-bee Chris).
Monday, August 01, 2005
Which Do You Like Better?
This is a picture of my current car. (Not my car, but the same model and color).
Here is its replacement coming out this fall.
Lexus IS350
Here is its replacement coming out this fall.

In my opinion, there are pluses and minuses to each. The current model has that raw, sporty look to it and is very unique compared to other Lexus models. However, the interior is not as up to Lexus standards - it's more Toyota-ie (with more plastic and inferior materials). The new model looks much more refined and offers a lot more luxury, as well as bells and whistles. But, it lacks that unique balls-to-the-wall stance. Just my opinion. I am by no means in the market right now, but who knows, I might be a kick-ass raise when I start a new job.
Stupid UPS
I came home at lunch today to get my phone, but UPS hadn't delivered it yet. So, I went back to work and at 1:12, they apparently tried delivering it. But, they didn't leave it because they said it had to be signed for. UGH. They will only attempt delivering it one more time and they if now one is there to sign again, they'll send it back to the sender. Bitches! So, I just called the 800 number and changed it to hold for pickup. Guess I'll be driving downtown at lunch tomorrow. That's OK, I can stare at all the cute boys while I'm down there.
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