Let me start over from the title. It started out as kind of a shitty day, because I was severely tired at 8:30 a.m. and slightly hung over. I was pretty bitchy and grumpy after waking up (sorry, Chris). However, once we were on the road, I started feeling better. Once we got to MACI (Madison Correctional Institute), I was in good spirits and was excited to see our friend. It got even better, because when we went to sign in, it took a lot less time than the last time we went there. This was only our second time visiting. Then, our friend came in not too long after and we had a good 4 hours of visiting time. Nothing was strained, there was no awkwardness, it was truly a great visit. The best part about this particular friend is that, given our different circumstances, we manage to find similar topics (everyday kinds of things) to talk about. Of course, we did the catching up thing regarding other friends, family, and day-to-day occurences. But, after a few minutes of chatting, it was like we were sitting in either one's living room, just shooting the shit. Four hours went by in no time. We are planning on visiting him again sometime in September.
On the way to and from MACI, we were in Chris's Cabrio with the top down. I had to be all white trash, since I'm originally from the west side, so that I could work on my Provincetown base tan. When back in the 'nati, we ended up having a cooked out meal and beers to wash it down with. Now, I sit here at the computer, with a cold beer and basking on the day. What seemed like a k-hole of a morning turned into an ecstasy evening. Life can be good.
By the way, the blood blister from last night popped. No more pain. As the lesbians that live behind us would proclaim, "Yaaa-Hoooooo!"